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Dr Raymond Tang

Consultant Psychologists


Support for Affluent Scholars 玉成學習

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鄧澔明博士 Dr Raymond Tang

英國健康護理專業管理局註冊心理學家 HCPC (UK) Registered Practitioner Psychologist
英國心理學會皇家特許教育心理學家 Chartered Educational Psychologist (BPS, UK)



Dr. Tang is one of the few HCPC registered psychologist in private practice who can speak English, Cantonese & Mandarin in the UK. He has attended schools in Brighton, Manchester and London since he was 16 and has been teaching and practising in the UK and HK for more than 30 years.

Dr. Tang established SAS in London to provide direct services to Chinese living or studying in the UK.

專業服務 Professional Services

Toy Block

心理評估 Psychological Assessments

IQ test 智商測試

Cognitive Assessment 智能測驗

Gifted 資優

Mental Handicap 智障

Dyslexia 讀寫障礙

Specific Learning Difficulties 特殊學習困難

Learning Difficulties 學習困難

ADHD 專注力困難過度活躍症

Autism Spectrum Disorders 自閉症

Asperger Syndrome 亞氏保加症候群

Minimal Office

服務方式 Modes of Service

校內支援 School based support


診所會面 Clinic session (by appointment)


Counselling & Psychotherapy

個別 Individual

小組 Group


聯絡方法 Contact Us


UK: Central London

UK: (+44) 0739 274 6247

High Holborn, London

Support for Affluent Scholars 玉成學習

Dr Raymond Tang ​鄧澔明博士

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